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fluid control中文是什么意思

用"fluid control"造句"fluid control"怎么读"fluid control" in a sentence


  • 流体控制
  • 液压控制


  • Manufactures fluid control systems and components
  • Home page - products - product information high pressure fluid control products
  • Bachelor degree , major in machinery electricity automation fluid control
  • Burkert is a global supplier of fluid control systems , with offices and manufacturing facilities in 43 countries
  • In addititon , burkert provides customized compete fluid control solutions in a wide range of different markets including chemical , water and waste , medical equipment , food and beverage , industrial processing and pharmaceutical
  • Possesses advanced technology and abundant experience in the manufacturing of valve balls , which are considered the most effective parts in fluid control from a labor - saving perspective , and enjoys a dominant domestic market share of over 60 percent in the field of stainless steel valve balls
    木田球阀公司股份在流体省力化控制方面对最能发挥威力的球阀球体制造中拥有高级技术力量和丰富的业绩,特别是不锈钢球阀在日本国内一直占据60 %以上的市场。
  • Through analysis to the performance of er valve under real work state using simulation and experiment , we can conclude that using er valve as fluid control - unit would improve the response speed of system , simplify the control method and have a better controllability to actuators . then the feasibility of er technology applied to hydraulic control system is proved
用"fluid control"造句  


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